Haven Bristol

Haven, Bristol

6 apartments for people with special needs arranged around a central courtyard with accommodation for supporting staff and communal facilities in Bristol.

Located in the heart of Knowle, the scheme is nestled between existing houses on the site of a former day centre, which has relocated to a smaller building adjacent to the proposal.

The former day centre will be demolished and replaced with specialist accommodation (likely for people on the autistic spectrum) as step-down accommodation from more institutional environments to homes offering greater independence, supported by staff.
The design has been carefully developed to incorporate comments from a steering group including representatives from Bristol City Council, the NHS and Bristol Autism Spectrum Service – BASS as well as Bristol Council Planning officers.

The result is 6 individual bungalows and a supporting staff block arranged as 2 buildings around a central courtyard.

The bungalows are generously sized with attractive living spaces, overlooking private rear gardens. The courtyard and communal spaces will offer spaces for social interaction and activities.

Staff accommodation is located at the entrance of the site to support the residents and allows passive surveillance over the scheme.